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August 12, 2013

Question Everything.

"I never was aware of any other option but to question everything" - Noam Chomsky.

I find it very interesting when I get that glazed look from people who hear me say something like, "Now wait a minute, why is the West trying to topple the Syrian government when majority of Syrians elected them, and support them?" Or when I ponder out aloud: "Wouldn't it have been lovely if Jesus Christ had fathered children?" The facial expressions I get would make interesting pictures, if only one could pull off taking a shot without issue.

It is undeniable that most people DO NOT pause and question what they learn or are told. This is an unfortunate result of the strictly orchestrated limiting of our spectrum of acceptable opinion. You see it everywhere - in Churches, in the media and in TV shows. We are told how things are and are given packaged results. We are constantly being conditioned not to think, but to wait for the answers. Worse, we are herded together to swallow the "official accounts" as the "acceptable opinion". And it is a system so effective, we hardly notice it. Our governments do it by manipulating the news and information, and by working deals to usurp the power they have. Our religious institutions shape our opinions on how we should worship and what God expects from us - down to the smallest details. Our community leaders, likewise, hold us to be recalcitrant whenever we stand up in demand of their accounting or when we hold a different view. 

And by this, the world has been turned into a planet inhabited by robotic slaves. It was in the design - and they have achieved it. Almost. 

Not if you stop for a minute and question what they tell you. Not if you pause and reflect on the "account" you are given. Not if you stand up and say "hold on, I do not agree with that". Not if you take the position that until you have had the chance to examine the story from all angles will you give your consent or your acceptance. 

Question everything. 

This is not to say "doubt everything". The two could not be further apart. Let me ask you this: Did you know that the majority (and no small majority, but at least 70%) of Syrians actually support the regime of Bashar El-Assad? If you didn't don't beat yourself over it. It is not really your fault. You have been conditioned. You watch the mainstream media. You watch CNN. You watch BBC - the same BBC that reported Building 7 of the World Trade Center had fallen some 30 minutes before it actually did collapse (implode, to be more exact) during that fateful day when some 3,000 lives were lost in the 9/11 attacks. 

But you can start now. Question everything. Even the concept of God. It should not be a sin to wonder (silently or aloud and to others) if God actually exists. Does your church makes you feel it is wrong? Ask them why you cannot wonder if the existence of God can be empirically researched? If they come up with an intelligent answer I would love to read from you. And if you are afraid to ask, then this blog is no place for you, sadly. Go somewhere else and get your daily dose of "controlled opinion". My heart bleeds out to you, but I'm too busy holding hands with those who have had their eyes opened. 

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