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January 29, 2011

Meltdown in Cairo

It's surreal how the walls of oppression and tyranny are literally just crumbling in less than a week of civil mutiny.

I will not pretend to be a political analyst - simply because I don't know how to dis-inform and kiss-ass that well, frankly. But I have endured a bitter taste of bile as I read the reports of the dire events unfolding online and seen the chaotic footage of the streets of Cairo and Alexandria on the 'canned' news channels (CNN and BBC). But what strikes me hardest after having seen it all is the shameful manner in which the self-professed (but much found-out) democratic pillars of Britain, Germany, and France have reacted to the people's revolt.

Consider the statements these disgraceful trio have released in an official communique (a joint one, it seems: they would rather do this together instead of individually so as to share the burden of hypocritical weight). The Sarkozy/Cameron/Merkel statement urged Mubarak to "engage in a process of transformation". Okay hang on for a minute! So now that the house is on fire, they want to remind Mubarak to implement a fire prevention policy? Cool.

Also according to the 3 stooges' statement, "there must be full respect for human rights and democratic freedoms, including freedom of expression and communication, including use of telephones and the internet, and the right of peaceful assembly". Well, 'F' you Merkel, Cameron and Sarkozy! Welcome back to the real world after extracting your heads from out of your asses for 30 years!

Where were these three clowns when the Egyptian dictatorship flouted every democratic principle in their persecution of journalists, bloggers, and politicians who expressed even a slightest difference of opinion?

And how did Mubarak seemingly respond to the European clarion call? He promised change in a nationally televised address and then proceeded to rub crap in everyone's faces in a series of contradictory actions, pinnacled by the appointment as Vice President of the very person who ran the US secret kidnapping/rendition program in Egypt.

I ache for the souls of those who have died so far.

My heart goes out to the common people in Egypt who have struggled to put one or two decent meals on their tables for decades and must now endure even further suffering. All of this will come to pass - but, sadly, not before hundreds (if not thousands) lose their lives as a result of the relentless pursuit of a new world order by those that have our very lives almost under their evil control.

As anarchy sweeps over Egypt, Barak Obama and the other fecal orifices for European heads of states will twiddle their thumbs and wank away trying to help Mubarak buy time to either quell the revolts and retain his unwanted strangle-hold on the country, or make an face-saving exit if it all fails.

And it WILL fail. Nothing can stop the tide of a people's desire for freedom. History has left us with too many lessons to showcase this truth.

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